
Learn More About
Daryl Royer

Mr. Royer obtained his bachelor's degree in law in 2001 from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law. Law school was followed by an internship with an Edmonton-based criminal defence law firm. Since graduating from law school, Mr. Royer has dedicated himself to the practice of criminal defence law.

Mr. Royer began successfully defending clients charged with criminal code offences immediately after being called to the bar on May 31, 2003, and received written and reported rulings that set precedent in law. He has been involved in over 90 reported cases, demonstrating his abilities as a formidable advocate.

Mr. Royer practices criminal defence law in Edmonton, Alberta, and has handled cases in criminal courts in British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. Mr. Royer has defended criminal defendants at all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada, the Court of Queen's Bench, provincial courts, as well as courts of appeal.

Mr. Royer has successfully represented individuals accused of murder, impaired driving, trafficking, assault, attempted murder, fraud, theft, and a range of other Criminal codes, traffic, and Revenue Canada crimes.

Besides his solid command of criminal law and mastership in drafting major law papers, Mr. Royer has also received immense praise and recognition for his fictional work. His verbal grace and capacity to enchant his listeners also cascade into his written work. Currently, two of Mr. Royer’s thrilling novels are available on reputed platforms like Amazon.

His works Righteous and Repentant and Confessions of Anomie have won him a great deal of admiration from fans of murder mysteries and crime thrillers. These true-life case-inspired stories from a well-known criminal attorney have what it takes to captivate and hold the interest of a reader from the first to the last sentence.


The Client-Centered Approach Of Daryl Royer

High-Quality Defence

Daryl Royer is dedicated to providing every client with a superior criminal defence. This implies that all of his clients benefit from in-depth legal analysis, clear guidance, and persuasive representation. You can count on having an experienced criminal defence attorney fighting for you and forcefully pushing your legal rights.

Exceptional Service

We are aware of the repercussions that the criminal procedure could have on your job, income, immigration, and personal relationships, whether you have been accused of a minor crime or one of the most serious. Therefore, Mr. Royer takes responsibility as his clients' final line of defence carefully from a professional and ethical standpoint.


Book By
Daryl Royer

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Our Process


The Initial Interview

This point marks the commencement of Mr. Royer’s duties as a criminal lawyer as he obtains an initial thorough understanding of the alleged offences.


Bail Rights And Representations

During this step, Mr. Royer will ensure you are not denied your right to reasonable bail without a just cause.


Event And Disclosure Review

This step involves reviewing the evidence against an accused to find the difficulties in the Crown Prosecutor’s case and prepare for a potential trial.


Attainment And Analysis Of Witnesses' Statements

During this step, Mr. Royer will scrutinize the available evidence against the words of the witnesses.


Docket Court Appearances And Trial Date

Mr. Royer will attend docket court, and a trial date or preliminary examination is scheduled based on the charge, the situation, and the defendant's best interests.



This marks the beginning of sentencing negotiations between the Crown and the defence.


Election And Plea

The Crown may elect to proceed with either a summary conviction, hybrid, or indictment. The defendant will also elect a mode of trial and decide whether to plead guilty or not.


Preparing The Accused For A Trial Preliminary

Then, Mr. Royer will collaborate with his clients to fully prepare them for their trial or preliminary.


The Trial

Trials can involve evidence that surprises everyone in the Courtroom, including the accused. Trials can also involve written submissions, lengthy oral evidence, and in-depth cross-examination.


Sentencing And Appeal

Besides partaking in sentencing discussions to protect your interests, Mr. Royer assists you with the appeal procedures if needed.

The Initial Interview

During this step, Mr. Royer studies a client's personal background, family background, employment/education, and future goals. He also obtains a designation of legal counsel at this point, so his clients do not have to attend docket court (clients will thus only appear in court for trials). Similarly, this point marks the commencement of Mr. Royer’s duties as a criminal lawyer as he obtains an initial thorough understanding of the alleged offences.

Bail Rights And Representations

Despite being accused of an offence, you should never underestimate your right to reasonable bail. As one of Edmonton’s most articulate criminal lawyers, Mr. Royer knows exactly how to navigate the Canadian judicial system to ensure that you are not denied your right to reasonable bail without a just cause.

Event And Disclosure Review

Your right to full disclosure is Charter protected. Disclosure and review of all the evidence currently in possession of the Crown Prosecutor’s office are crucial. They have the duty to disclose all the evidence against the accused when requested so that the accused can prepare their defence.

A criminal defence lawyer in Edmonton or anywhere in the country must request disclosure from the Crown’s office and follow up with future disclosure requests where the disclosure appears either misleading or, in part, missing. Often, requesting the appropriate disclosure can successfully defend a trial.

Disclosure review involves reviewing the evidence against an accused with the client. The intention here is to find the difficulties in the Crown Prosecutor’s case and prepare for a potential trial.

Attainment And Analysis Of
Witnesses' Statements

A trusted and diligent criminal law firm and its lawyers must always scrutinize the available evidence against the words of the witnesses. Witnesses that provide evidence contrary to the Crown Prosecutor’s evidence can be highly beneficial. Mr. Royer’s strong oral advocacy, meticulous attention to detail, and ability to cross-examine give his clients an edge when it comes to credibility and hammers the last nail of excellence into every case.

Docket Court Appearances
And Trial Date

An administrative appearance before a judge, court, or clerk to perform certain judicial clerical tasks is known as a docket court day or "first appearance." Mr. Royer understands the value of time and attends all docket court appearances without his client(s). A trial date or preliminary examination is then scheduled based on the charge, the situation, and the defendant's best interests.


Before you enter into any plea, the Crown will make an early resolution offer in the shape of a reduced sentence in exchange for a guilty plea. The latter marks the beginning of sentencing negotiations between the Crown and the defence. However, it may be difficult for you to understand whether negotiation is in your best interest or not. Mr. Royer evaluates the situation and your best interests and provides high-end negotiation advice accordingly.

Election And Plea

This phase of the criminal defence process is extremely sensitive and highly crucial as the decisions made at this point will steer the case in the right direction. Once a criminal lawyer in Edmonton has received disclosure and reviewed a case's strengths and weaknesses, the next stage will be to enter an election and plea before the court.

The Crown may elect to proceed with either a summary conviction, hybrid, or indictment. Depending upon the latter, the defendant will also elect a mode of trial and decide whether to plead guilty or not. At this point, you require competent and authoritative legal counsel from a reputable criminal lawyer in Edmonton, and Mr. Royer pledges to provide precisely that.

Preparing The Accused For A
Trial Preliminary

Then, Mr. Royer collaborates with his clients to fully prepare them for their trial or preliminary. Everything is planned well in advance of the court date, including all necessary preparations, evidence, and the accused's testimony (should it be required).

The Trial

Trials can involve evidence that surprises everyone in the Courtroom, including the accused. Trials can also involve written submissions, lengthy oral evidence, and in-depth cross-examination. In such challenging situations, there exists no substitute for a criminal defence lawyer with the experience of someone like Mr. Royer. His sharp-wittedness, alertness, and acute awareness are exactly what such situations mandate.

Sentencing And Appeal

The sentencing phase is the most dreaded procedure in the criminal defence process. Only an astute criminal lawyer like Mr. Royer can help you out. Besides partaking in sentencing discussions to protect your interests, Mr. Royer assists you with the appeal procedures if needed.

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