
Edmonton’s Top-Rated
Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence is the act of threatening, physical and mental abuse commonly occurring in the intimate relationship of couples. It typically involves couples such as husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend or boyfriend and girlfriends, but it can also include other relations such as brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts.

Mr. Royer is a dedicated criminal defence lawyer who is highly skilled in cross-examination. So if you are looking for an accredited domestic violence lawyer, then you have found the right one. Mr. Royer can help you get up to speed with all the domestic violence laws and punishments and will help you get out of a wrongly accused domestic violence case.


In domestic violence cases, false accusations often arise, as people use domestic violence charges to get revenge on their spouses or other relatives. Mr. Royer, with his innumerable knowledge, well-polished skills and immense experience, will fight for your rights and help you out of your situation.

Types Of Domestic Violence

There are many types of domestic violence that one can be charged with. Here are some of the common types of domestic violence:

Physical Abuse

This is the most common type of domestic violence that is reported. Physical abuse is any form of physical aggression, physical harm or threats. Here are some things that come under physical abuse:

  • Physical assault includes slapping, punching, beating, kicking, pushing, choking, shooting, burning, screeching, threatening with a weapon, pinching, pulling hair, biting, hitting, threatening with an object, and drowning.
  • Injuring, abusive or threatening to hurt others like pets, children, parents or friends.

Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse is the use of any sort of abusive language that is used to embarrass, degrade or threaten someone. Here are some things that come under verbal abuse:

  • Screaming, yelling and threatening someone.
  • Threatening to kill or hurt the victim’s family, property, reputation, friends or pets.
  • Using abusive language shatters the confidence of the victim.

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