Notable Cases

March 13, 2023

R. v. M and A, 2006 ABPC 253 The accused was charged with assault with a weapon. The offence arose out of an altercation that took place at the Beer Hunter pub between the accused and the off-duty manager of the pub. The accuseds admitted that he struck the complainant with his fists during the… Continue reading Assault With A Weapon

March 13, 2023

R. v. F, 2004 ABCA 351, 2004 ABCA 336 F was convicted of assault causing bodily harm and robbery arising out of the same incident, and the acts were continuous. Mr. Royer was retained for the conviction and sentence appeal and was not the trial lawyer. Nature of Application? Is assault causing bodily harm an… Continue reading Assault Causing Bodily Harm

March 13, 2023

R. v. M., 2009 ABPC 390 M entered a plea of guilty to an offence that “he is committing an assault” upon a child “carry, use or threaten to use a weapon, to wit: A Wet Floor sign or imitation thereof, contrary to s. 267 (a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.” At the time… Continue reading Assault With A Weapon

December 2, 2022

R v C, 2020 ABCA 230 C was convicted of an aggravated assault on his long-time common-law partner. The victim suffered a brain injury and did not testify at the trial. After the trial, she wrote a victim impact statement in which she stated the appellant was not the perpetrator of the assault. Mr. Royer… Continue reading Aggravated Assault & Criminal Appeal

November 28, 2022

R v F, 2019 ABCA 491 F. was convicted following a judge and jury trial of murder which factually involved a home invasion. Mr. F was sentenced to life with no parole eligibility for 13 years. Mr. F. had confessed during the police investigation, and that statement was lead as evidence in the trial, after… Continue reading Criminal Appeal And Murder

November 24, 2022

R v PJS, 2014 ABQB 409 A stay of proceedings was entered on a five-count information alleging a sexual assault based on 29 months delay. Nature of Application? Unreasonable delay in bringing the matter to trial. The accused, PJS, was charged under a five-count indictment that he sexually assaulted MG on January 5, 2012, assaulted… Continue reading Sexual Assault

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