Murder, Attempted
Murder & Aggravated Assault

Murder, Attempted
Murder And Aggravated Assault Lawyer In Edmonton

Murder, attempted murder, and aggravated assault are the most serious charges one can face and is also the most difficult case a criminal defence lawyer can handle.


What Refers To Murder?

Murder is the killing or unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse. Murder is a 2nd-degree crime where the person intends to cause death, or means to cause bodily harm that he knows is likely to cause death. Murder is 1st degree where it is planned and deliberate.

Murder is manslaughter when the crime is committed in the heat of passion, where the death was caused by an unlawful act that was not intended to cause death, and in other cases where a lessor intent than the intent to cause murder is found, including infanticide.

Who Should Deal With A Murder Defence Case?

In Mr. Royer’s opinion, no lawyer not specifically involved in Criminal Law on a day-to-day basis, and have had at least 10 years of experience should act for an accused person charged with murder. The consequences of a conviction are life in prison. Only a lawyer with lengthy experience in criminal courts should agree to handle such a case.

Why Get A Murder Defence Lawyer?

Murder prosecutions are complex legal proceedings and require expertise in homicide lawyers to catch the factual and credible points of the case to defend the accused. All homicide and murder cases create fact situations and legal issues.

Mr. Royer has successfully defended people charged with murder, resulting in acquittals, and discharge at the preliminary inquiry, and on appeal. Mr. Royer has also resolved other murder cases for lessor sentences, including manslaughter convictions, to avoid life sentences. Mr. Royer recommends that an accused take all reasonable steps to ensure that they have the correct lawyer for their case, and in all cases. An accused person’s choice of counsel will affect the result.

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